Welcome Ancestral Cooks!
Let me be the first to tell you, I am totally psyched you are here. Starting an ancestral food journey is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have!
Learning new cooking techniques like fermenting, organ meats and sourdough may sound intimidating for a beginner… But that’s why you have a community of seasoned cooks here to teach, guide, and cheer you on each step of the way!
This section of my blog is filled with helpful guides if you are a new to ancestral cooking, or you simply have some questions you need answered! In addition, every one of these guides is offered in a PDF printable for easy viewing!
If you have any additional questions, never be afraid to reach out! I’d be happy to help.
1. Sourdough Starter 101
The first step to a successful sourdough journey is fostering a robust, active sourdough starter!
In this guide, I break down exactly how to create a sourdough starter in your kitchen + some of the most common issues bakers have with starters, and how to fix them!
2. Feeding + Maintaining Sourdough
In this guide, I break down the basics for feeding and maintaining a robust, active sourdough starter.
Whether you want to bake once a week or every day, this guide will teach you how to feed your starter to keep it happy and healthy!
3. Sourdough Kneading Techniques
When I first started baking sourdough, the recipes I followed threw out the term “stretch and fold” like everyone in the world knew what that meant.
In this guide, I’ll break down the insanely simple “stretch & fold” technique and the equally awesome “coil fold” technique!
4. Proofing Sourdough
Let’s demystify the proofing process for sourdough bread.
Months into my sourdough journey I still found this aspect confusing, but it’s really quite simple. This guide will break down the best process for proofing sourdough bread + tips & tricks!